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If you’re here because of the web site address on a jar of our honey – thank you for your purchase! I hope you enjoy the taste of quality local honey from beehives in NE Hampshire (UK).

If you bought our honey from a stall, and would like more, we also sell our honey direct from the door – our address is on every jar of honey. Just call around, we usually have some on a shelf outside the house – there’s a “Honey For Sale” sign up, so you can’t miss us!

I’ve been a beekeeper for over 25 years, and am still learning! Like most UK beekeepers (there’s about 44,000 of us) I manage Honey Bee colonies as a fascinating hobby, with any income made from the sale of honey going to help look after my hives and their honeybee colonies.

Have a browse around the site, there’s lots of beekeeping information available in books and online, so I provide information that’s relevant to the honey you’ve bought from me, my style of beekeeping and anything else that I find interesting!

Interested in beekeeping, and live in NE Hampshire (UK)?
Along with Beekeeping friends, I run a beekeeping course offered by Fleet & District Beekeepers Association.

A member of a local group, school, club or charity in NE Hampshire, and would like a talk about beekeeping?
We offer talks to local groups about beekeeping and honeybees.

Graham & Catherine

Honey for sale.
We currently have the first batch of 2024 honey for sale. Runny only at the moment. Same price as last year.
You can contact me via email on:, via our Facebook Page, or at the door – see the address on any jar of our honey.